Giancarlo Prandelli, The Last Supper, Detail, Sanguine on Wooden Board, 125x70cm (T1)

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This work is sanguine on a wood panel done by Giancarlo Prandelli exhibiting a detail of one of the most magnificent paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci, The Last Supper. Leonardo was commissioned to paint the dining room of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan by Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. The Last Supper was an infamous subject for painters before and during the Renaissance. However, Leonardo’s mural is exceptional as he portrayed the 12 apostles in a distinct manner illustrating the various realistic emotions expressed by all of them as Christ exclaimed “One of you will betray me”. Prandelli chose to focus on Jesus, Saint Thomas, Saint Philip and Saint James in this part of his painting. The three apostles in this particular group express disbelief in contrast to the dismay indicated on the left side of the painting. Since Prandelli’s work is done in sanguine, it displays a contemporary form of art. But, it lacks in providing greater details that Leonardo painted in his work.

Giancarlo Prandelli, The Last Supper, Detail, Sanguine on Wooden Board, 125x70cm
PISACANE ARTE - Viale Monza, 55 20125 - Milano Tel. 02. 39521644 P. IVA 07851620968