Cracking Art Group, Snail, recyclable plastic

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The snail here presented is another of the subjects of Cracking Art Group's creations. Just as all the other sculptures that populate since years the most varopis urban lanscapes, the snails were for example in New York, for an installation in Central Park.
The sculptures are available in the shades indicated in the picture just put beside, and in the dimensions:
- Giant: 300x180x230h cm (100 Kg)
- Medium: 120x55x87h cm (15 Kg)
- Small: 55x30x40h cm (3 Kg)

Fur further information about the price of the artwork contact us at the phone 02.39521644 or at the e-mail

Cracking Art Group, Snail, recyclable plastic
PISACANE ARTE - Viale Monza, 55 20125 - Milano Tel. 02. 39521644 P. IVA 07851620968