Léonard Combier, Untitled, art print, 80x60 cm, 2015

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Art print and artwork by Léonard Combier. These figures live in infinite mazes which are increasing endless with thousands colours and pure black and whites: they are like gods with tribal masks that meet some coloured totem.. He started drawing by himself when he was a child and never stopped. His artworks are realized on ink on paper or acrilic and posca on canvas. The posca gives him the oppurtunity to create with precision the mazes full of figures. The art print was realised in limited edition of 50 and signed and numbered by the artist.
Léonard Combier, Untitled, art print, 80x60 cm, 2015
PISACANE ARTE - Viale Monza, 55 20125 - Milano Tel. 02. 39521644 P. IVA 07851620968 galleria@pisacanearte.it